
Updated January 20, 2023

Sparta Athletics & Running is responsible for ensuring that your data is stored and managed by applicable personal data legislation.

On this page, you can read about Sparta Athletics & Running’s privacy policy.

Collecting Data
  • When you become a member of Sparta Athletics & Running, sign up for one of our events or create a profile on our app or websites, you provide a range of personal information that is collected securely by Sparta Athletics & Running:

    Sparta Athletics. & Running
    Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads 11
    2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
    CVR: 10 05 09 79

    By accepting, you agree that your contact information is kept up to date at all times.

  • We collect and process personal data in order to handle registrations, manage memberships and personal profiles, accept online payment for our events and deliver the services the participant has purchased in its entirety, including delivery of participant information, delivery of start number and delivery of the participant’s result, e.g. time and position, on result lists, diplomas, websites, in apps, emails and SMS etc.

  • Personal data collected and processed may include (but is not limited to)

    • Distance (for results list and participant information)
    • Nationality (for results list and race numbers)
    • First and last name (for results list, participant information and start number delivery)
    • Gender (for result list breakdown)
    • Date of birth (for age group calculation on results list)
    • Club and/or team (for results list and participant information)
    • Previous results or expected time (for placement in correct start group)
    • Address, postcode, city and country (for participant information and start number delivery)
    • Product choice, e.g. T-shirt size, charity donations, transportation, hotel, etc.
    • Phone number (for participant information)
    • Email (for participant information)
    • Consent choices: e.g. consent to newsletter, third-party offers, etc.
  • When you register as a member of Sparta Atletik & Løb, you provide us with a range of personal information. We only collect the personal information and payment information that is necessary for us to administer your membership and collect membership fees.

    You can withdraw your consent for us to store and process your personal data by canceling your membership. You can see how to withdraw correctly in the current bylaws, which can be found at at any time.

    When your membership in Sparta Athletics & Running is terminated, your data will be anonymized after 36 months, provided that there are no outstanding membership fees or other circumstances that can objectively justify that we store your data for a longer period of time.

    Members of Sparta Athletics & Running regularly receive emails with invitations, news, information and offers from the association. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please contact us at

  • When you use our websites, you will be asked to accept necessary cookies, while you have the option to opt-out of others. Among other things, we use cookies to collect information that improves your user experience and to record visitor statistics. We use cookies that recognize you as a user if you later sign up for another event in our platform. We also use cookies to ensure that your user session cannot be taken over by others for hacking and hijacking purposes.

    The website may also contain cookies from third parties, which may include media partners. Data about your use of the website, geographical location, gender and age segment, etc. may be disclosed to these third parties. This is always done in anonymized form, and the parties only process the information on our behalf and with our consent and may not use it for their own purposes.

    If you do not want us to use cookies, you can completely or partially block unnecessary cookies. You can do this by selecting ‘Reject’ when you are asked on the website whether we may collect your cookies. If you have mistakenly allowed us to collect cookies, you can delete cookies in other ways via your browser settings.

    You can use our website even if you do not allow cookies on your computer, browser or device. However, if you delete or block cookies, you may risk that the website does not function optimally or that there is content that you cannot access.

  • You can sign up for the Sparta Athletics & Running’s newsletter via a form on our websites. When you sign up, you provide your e-mail address and in some cases your name. As a newsletter subscriber, you will receive news about the events we run in Sparta Atletik & Løb.

    You can at any time withdraw your consent for us to store and process your personal data in order to send you the newsletter. All newsletters contain a link where you can unsubscribe from further newsletters.

Data Storage
  • The personal data we collect, process and present is stored on a continuous basis. This is permitted under the exceptions in the Danish Data Protection Act for the storage of social, historical and statistical data. Personal data is stored in Ultimate Sport Service’s cloud hosted in Amazon’s EC2 platform located in Ireland (EU).

    Image and video material from our events is also stored on a continuous basis. This is permitted in accordance with the Personal Data Act on the storage and use of situational images. Images are stored on internal data drives and on online photo sharing services such as Flickr and Facebook.

    If you wish to object to our storage and use of personal data, images and video material, please contact

  • We collect and store all collected personal and payment data in Ultimate Sport Service’s systems, which are secured by SSL/TSL encrypted connections. Ultimate Sport Service’s registration and payment platform OnReg is PCI certified and scanned monthly by TrustKeeper.

    When you use a payment card, the payment is made in a payment window hosted by Ultimate Sport Service. In this process, we collect card information, including card number, expiration date and check digits. This information, which is isolated in the user’s sign-up session, is passed on to the payment gateway provider and then deleted.

  • We implement the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure an appropriate level of security and protection of personal data so that we comply with the applicable requirements of data protection legislation at all times.

    The measures take into account the state of the art, the implementation costs, the method, scope, composition and purpose of the data processing, as well as the varying risks, probabilities and potential seriousness of the rights and freedoms of natural persons. Among other things, the category of personal data shall be taken into account when determining the measures.

  • In the event of a personal data breach that could potentially lead to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of or access to a participant’s personal data, we will notify the participant without undue delay.

    We will also assist the participant in complying with the participant’s obligations to (i) document all personal data breaches, (ii) report any personal data breaches to the competent supervisory authority(ies) and (iii) notify data subjects of personal data breaches.

Processing of data
  • The data we collect is used to deliver the service a participant has purchased. For example, we use an expected finish time to place the participant in the correct start group. We use the date of birth to calculate the age group for use in the results view, and the gender is also used for the results view.

    We also use collected data for statistical purposes and technical purposes, e.g. to identify users and improve the user experience for the participant.

    We use emails and mobile numbers to send necessary race information to participants. Participants do not have the option to unsubscribe from informational emails, as these are necessary to ensure the smooth running of the event.

    In accordance with the Danish Marketing Practices Act, we also have the possibility to send marketing regarding similar events by email. These inquiries can always be unsubscribed, after which you will not receive any more emails about similar events.

    We do not send marketing by text message.

  • Our websites use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc (‘Google’). Google Analytics uses cookies (see above section on cookies), which make it possible to collect information about your use of the websites. The information is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. In doing so, your IP address will be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

    Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is permitted by law or if third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate the IP address of the user with any other data held by Google.

    If you do not want information about your website traffic to be collected and transmitted to Google Analytics, you can install a “deactivation add-on” in your browser. The deactivation add-on can be found here.

    Further information on Google Analytics’ terms and conditions of use and data security can be found here.

    We also use Firebase Analytics to collect anonymized statistical data about the users of our apps. If you have downloaded one of our apps, we also have the ability to track your location if you accept this in the app.

  • If you are registered for an event, your personal data is presented in the participant and result lists for the event(s) in question.

    We only show the personal data that is necessary for us to execute the event. This will typically include (but not be limited to)

    • Nationality
    • First and last name
    • Distance
    • Age and age group (age range)
    • Sex and gender
    • Start group and bib number
    • Club and/or team
    • City or town
    • Country of origin
    • Times (start time, split times and finish time)
    • Rankings (overall, gender and age group)
    • Status (not started, started, completed, retired or disqualified)
  • For our events, we take photos and video of the event and the participants. This material is situational footage where the event or activity itself is the actual focus. Situational recordings must never be offensive.

    Situational footage may be used without prior consent by the organizers and, subject to specific agreement, by partners and sponsors for marketing purposes.

    Media material in which participants appear as part of our events is presented, for example, on our websites, in our apps and on social media managed by Sparta Atletik & Løb and any co-organizers of our Facebook events.

    If you wish to object to our use of image and video material, please contact

  • Personal data that we collect will not be disclosed to third parties unless the participant explicitly agrees to this via selections in the event registration form or by accepting our terms and conditions.

  • We may process personal data outside of this document where required by EU law or national law to which we are subject.

    When processing personal data outside of the agreement, we will, to the extent permitted by law, inform the participant of such a requirement and the reason for the processing. To the extent possible, we will allow the participant to object.

  • We ensure that employees who process personal data are committed to confidentiality or are subject to an appropriate statutory duty of confidentiality.

    We ensure that access to the personal data is restricted to those employees who process personal data in order to fulfill the delivery obligations to the participant as described in this document.

    We ensure that employees who process personal data for the participant only process it in accordance with this document.

  • We will provide sufficient information if a participant or member wishes to verify our compliance with the requirements of applicable data protection legislation. We will also authorize and contribute to any audits, including inspections, conducted by an auditor authorized by the participant.

    If we believe that a request as described above is in breach of applicable data protection law, we will promptly notify the participant.

    We will assist participants and members as necessary and reasonable to fulfill the obligations arising from, for example, responding to requests from data subjects to exercise their rights, impact assessments and prior consultation with supervisory authorities.

Deletion of data
  • We store personal data on a continuous basis with reference to the exceptions in the Personal Data Act regarding societal, historical and statistical data.

    We also store images on a continuous basis with reference to the Personal Data Act on situational pictures.

    You have the right to know what personal data we process about you.

    You may also object to the use of your data at any time, and you have the right to have your data erased. Inquiries about this can be made to

  • We reserve the right to update our privacy policy on an ongoing basis.

    The privacy policy will always be available on, and it is always registered when the individual participant accepts the privacy policy and thus which version is accepted.

  • Sparta Athletics & Running is responsible for ensuring that your data is stored and managed by applicable personal data legislation.

    If you wish to complain about our processing of your data, you can contact the Danish Data Protection Agency.

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